Braeburn 2220 Economy Programmable Thermostat, 2H/2C
The Braeburn 2220 Economy Series thermostats provide an economical solution to temperature control! The bright blue backlight, 3 in2 display and easy-to-read characters make it simple for customers to operate. Temperature limits and FREE contractor branding on the quick reference instruction card give contractors and property owners the tools they need to help control rising installation and energy costs.
5-2 Day, 7 Day or Non-Programmable
Large 3 Sq. In. Display with Bright Blue Backlight
Adjustable Temperature Limits
Hardwire or Battery Powered
SpeedSet Programming Mode
Permanent Memory Retains User Settings
Filter Check Monitor
Adjustable Temperature Differentials
Adaptive Recovery Mode (ARM )
Meets Energy Aware® Guidelines
ESD Guard Electronic Circuitry
Compressor Short Cycle Protection
Temporary Program Override
Programmable Extended Hold Mode
Front Access Reset Button
FËš / CËš Switch
Trilingual Packaging and Instruction Card with FREE Contractor Branding